COVID-19 Community Response Fund: FAQs

For Grantees

What is the purpose of this fund?

NCOA is answering the urgent needs of older adults by directly funding community-based organizations with general operating and program expenses. Our goal is to also maintain this Fund as the uncertainty of COVID-19 will change the way we serve older adults for years to come. We intend to join with organizations willing to reimagine and transform the aging network- as society changes, and social distancing restrictions ease. How will we answer the call to serve?

If I am an individual who has been affected by COVID-19, can this fund help me?

Our goal is to support organizations serving thousands of older adults that demonstrate the experience and history of providing high-quality support services. We encourage you, as an individual, to review the CARES Act and other federal funding that may support you.

I am a nonprofit organization. How do I apply for COVID-19 assistance?

Nonprofits serving older adults(aged 60+) can apply for COVD-19 assistance through the application form below. Application instructions will be provided on our website in mid May, and the application portal will open in June. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Please note that the first round of funding will be awarded to nonprofit organizations within the NCOA network. This is due to the overwhelming need for support that has been brought to NCOA’s attention. After the first round, we will open up the Fund to new organizations that we have not yet had the opportunity to work with.

My organization is interested in resources from this fund. Can we be considered?

Applicant organizations must be based in the United States or its territories and be either public entities or tax-exempt as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3).

What will NOT be included in this first phase of funding?

In the first phase, we are prioritizing community-based organizations serving older adults disproportionately suffering from the COVID-19 crisis. The first round will prioritize organizations that have lost revenue or are likely to lose future revenue due to canceled appointments and programs, and/or that are strained by increased demand for services. We will continue to work with our partners to assess and evolve our funding strategies as the ongoing effects of COVID-19 unfold.

Is there a geographic focus area for this fund?

The NCOA fund will prioritize geographic areas most affected by emerging health, economic, and social impacts of COVID-19. Our presence and interest is national in scope. We are unable to fund outside of the United States and respective territories.

When will you share who you will fund?

We anticipate making the first round of selections in late June and will publish the list of grantees on our website along with short descriptions of the services and support they are providing.

How much may we request?

At this time, NCOA will provide a series of micro-grants ranging anywhere from $250 up to a cap of $10,000, dependent on the primary area of focus you choose. Please choose one of four primary areas as listed in the guidelines.

For Donors

How is this COVID-19 response fund different from other fundraising efforts?

NCOA is rising to the need for emergency and critical funding today while also strategizing and funding long-term, transformational solutions for tomorrow. Our goal is to ensure that no older adult is left without the support systems they need to have a dignified and quality life. COVID-19 has changed our lives and after local stay-at-home mandates are lifted, our normal way of operating will be different. NCOA understands that we must be proactive now and build those supportive bridges of change in advance so that as we reopen, we can do so confidently.

Should I give to the fund instead of making other donations?

This fund was not created as the only resourcing method. The fund seeks multiple targeted resources to support older adults most impacted by COVID-19. If this fund’s priorities align with your values, please consider making a donation. Otherwise, please continue to give generously to those organizations you regularly support and those that need your help most during this time.

Are donations tax-deductible?

Donations made directly to the NCOA fund are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by U.S. law.

How are the funds being used?

Donations to the fund will be used to:

  • Support general operating needs of community-based organizations serving older adults that were hardest hit by COVID-19.
  • Help community-based organizations transition to remote operations or protect employees while out in the field with personal protective equipment.
  • Provide food, food delivery, and other needed services for older adults living in the community.
  • Ensure that community-based organizations are programmatically able to address the social isolation, need for health and wellness, and/or financial sustainability of their older adult clientele.

How much are you hoping to raise?

As the impact of COVID-19 continues to grow, so does the scale of the response. Our goal for the first iteration of this fund is to raise $5 million. But our work will not stop there. We intend to continue raising monies in order to transform the aging network and how we support older adults. Your funds are integral to ensuring the most innovative and ground-breaking ideas are put into place.

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