Anton Anderson discusses why financial advisors and CPAs should form “Proactive Planning Teams” Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: Financial advisors and CPAs share a common goal: to help their clients build financial security. They can offer a comprehensive approach to achieving this goal by forming a Proactive Planning Team comprised of three main pieces: advisor, CPA, Virtual Family Office (VFO). Financial advisors bring significant expertise in areas such as retirement planning, investments, insurance, and estate planning. CPAs specialize in tax preparation and accounting services,…
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Stephen Ross, CEO of Ross Insurance Brokers-Dave Ramsey Trusted Provider, Interviewed on Podcast Discussing Working With an Independent Home & Auto Insurance Agent
Stephen Ross discusses the benefits of working with an Independent Home & Auto Insurance Agent. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: Independent home and auto insurance agents are an excellent resource for finding the best coverage at the best price for specific particular needs. Working with an independent agent is beneficial in several ways, including: Access to multiple insurance companies – A significant advantage of working with an independent agent is having access to many different insurance companies. Independent agents can compare plans, coverage options,…
Read MoreOscar Toledo, President of Toledo Insurance, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast Discussing Social Security Claiming Options
Oscar Toledo discusses the top considerations for a pre-retiree when deciding on social security claiming options. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: When deciding on Social Security claiming options, pre-retirees need to consider the impact of their decision on their retirement income. This includes evaluating when to start receiving benefits and how that choice might affect other sources of retirement income they have. Pre-retirees should also consider the benefits they can expect based on their work history and earning records. For example, those who could…
Read MoreDaniel Collison, Managing Partner at Advice2Advisors, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast
Daniel Collison discusses why the duality of client acquisition is vital for financial advisors to understand. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: The Duality of Marketing and Prospecting for Financial Advisors is crucial to growing a financial advisory business. Marketing involves promoting an advisor’s Unique Value Proposition (UVP) and identifying the target audience, while prospecting is identifying potential clients and converting them into actual clients. Both activities are essential for the growth of a financial advisory business, and mastering them can lead to unlimited growth…
Read MoreReal Estate Expert and Private Money Lender Alprentice Watson Shares Insights on Fox TV’s Morning Blend
Alprentice Watson recently provided valuable insights on real estate investing in the current buyers’ market and explained the benefits of private money lending over traditional bank lending, making this a great time to be a real estate investor.
Read MoreJay Winestein, Founder of DeepDive Retirement, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast Discussing Taxes in Retirement
Jay Winestein discusses how to mitigate and lower taxes as much as possible to prepare for retirement. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: The level of a retiree’s post-tax liabilities can have a large effect on the quality of retirement. Utilizing pre-tax 401ks, 403b, Deferred comp plans, IRAs, etc. while working are good for tax deductibility and for those looking to lower their current taxable income and taxes. Moving forward, however, the resultant future tax liabilities at retirement can be relatively quite large. Distributions from…
Read MoreJay Winestein, Founder of DeepDive Retirement, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast Discussing Advanced Life Expectancy Credits
Jay Winestein discusses how a sequence of returns can affect a retiree. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: The sequence of returns issue, the order of the returns in a portfolio, can become problematic for a retiree when they call it quits and retires and then needs to draw a regular income from the investment account. In particular, problems can occur when there are losses or lower returns than the withdrawal rate plus fees. For example, when a portfolio loses 10% and the withdrawal is…
Read MoreNick Bliss, Partner & Financial Advisor with Clear Strategy, Interviewed on Podcast About a Holistic Approach to Retirement Planning
Nick Bliss discusses how Clear Strategy aims to provide confidence around financial planning by utilizing its experienced advisors to create a customized plan tailored to better support their clients’ financial, family, and life goals. Retirement planning is integral to financial planning and needs to be considered from a holistic perspective. Retirement planning encompasses more than simply ensuring that one has enough money saved for retirement, but also a plan for using those funds most effectively throughout retirement years. Retirement planning must consider the changing needs of individuals over time as…
Read MoreJay Winestein, Founder of DeepDive Retirement, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast Discussing Life Expectancy Credits
Jay Winestein discusses how Life Expectancy (LE) Credits can help sustain retirement income. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: Large-scale pensions rely on the idea of how long individuals live in large groups. Life Expectancy (LE) credits are a crucial part of this large group actuarial concept that can add significant value to an individual’s retirement income. To simplify a sophisticated idea, in a large group of 100,000 individuals, some will live to total life expectancy or beyond, and some will fall short. The LE…
Read MoreNick Bliss, Partner & Financial Advisor with Clear Strategy, Interviewed on Podcast About Legacy & Estate Planning
Nick Bliss discusses how Clear Strategy aims to provide confidence around financial planning by utilizing its experienced advisors to create a customized plan tailored to better support their clients’ financial, family, and life goals. Whether it’s a newly empty nest, marriage, divorce, moving, a big promotion at work, aging parents, selling a business, or starting a new one…change is inevitable. Everyone wants a golden retirement. But saving for retirement is no easy task. The baby boomer generation is graying. More and more people are approaching retirement age. With Social Security’s…
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