2019 Learning Collaborative: Medicare Advantage


  • Aptiv, Inc. (WI)
  • Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging (OH)
  • Coordinated Care Alliance (IL)
  • Healthy Living for ME (ME)
  • Innovations for Aging (Juniper Network) (MN)
  • Kentucky Council of Area Development Districts 
  • Mass Home Care (MA)
  • North Central Area Agency on Aging (CT)
  • Open Hand Atlanta (GA)
  • South Carolina Association of Council on Aging Directors
  • Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. (NY)


The purpose of the Medicare Advantage Learning Collaborative (MALC), hosted by the National Council on Aging (NCOA) and the Aging and Disability Business Institute at the National Association for Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), is to provide community-based organizations (CBOs) with the knowledge and skills to pursue partnerships and contracts with Medicare Advantage plans for home and community-based services and supports.urpose


Six months: April 2019 – September 2019


Sharon R. Williams, CEO of Williams Jaxon Consulting, LLC will serve as the lead faculty. Speakers will include leading experts on Medicare, Medicare Advantage, the aging network, social determinants of health, and quality measures.

Key Learning Benchmarks

Participating organizations will work toward achieving these tactical objectives:

  • Learn a framework to develop value propositions for Medicare Advantage plans.
  • Learn how to evaluate and prioritize contracting opportunities with Medicare Advantage plans.
  • Increase knowledge of Medicare Advantage plans and requirements for contracting.
  • Utilize the n4a Readiness Assessment Tool to strengthen strategic planning.
  • Identify a Medicare Advantage plan partner.
  • Develop a customizable value proposition to present to a Medicare Advantage plan.

Participant Benefits

  • A no-cost, significant investment in the long-term sustainability of your organization or network.
  • Over 12 hours of content delivered monthly, paired with defined action steps to help you create transformation. Content will be delivered through monthly webinars with lectures by experts from the field, peer-to-peer learning, and discussion of suggested readings and homework assignments.
  • Access to a private online community to connect with peers and resources.
  • Access to a one-hour session of consulting through the Aging and Disability Business Institute at n4a.

Participant Expectations

Up to 10 organizations or networks will be selected to participate in this learning collaborative. Participants will be announced in early April 2019.  Participants are expected to complete the entire six-month MALC curriculum, which includes:

  • Collaborating with your team to develop measurable goals and objectives to achieve the MALC purpose;
  • Actively participating during monthly webinars, including reporting on progress and lessons learned to encourage shared growth among all participants;
  • Attending the n4a Annual Meeting pre-conference intensive focused on Medicare Advantage. This pre-conference will take place on Sunday, July 28th in New Orleans, LA;
  • Dedicating 4-5 hours per month to prepare for monthly MALC lectures and homework assignments;
  • Actively and regularly participating in ongoing discussions on the online community;
  • Submitting homework assignments and progress report updates monthly through the online community;
  • Becoming familiar with the community-integrated health care resources on n4a’s Aging and Disability Business Institute website and NCOA’s Roadmap to Community Integrated Health Care website as well as other supplemental materials.
  • Participating in one-on-one technical assistance calls at the beginning and end of the learning collaborative (May and September); and
  • Completing an evaluation survey at the end of the learning collaborative.

Click here to download this charter.

Please contact Kathleen Zuke (kathleen.zuke@ncoa.org) with any questions regarding the Medicare Advantage Learning Collaborative.

The Medicare Advantage Learning Collaborative is funded by the Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through cooperative agreements to n4a and NCOA.

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