Leadership Expert Dr. Ian Buchanan to Launch Masterclass on the KING Leadership Framework

Dr. Ian Buchanan, founder and CEO of Nia Education Group, launches a four-part KING Leadership Masterclass centered around the themes of his recent book, KING: A Four-Part Leadership Framework for Black Men. The KING Leadership Masterclass has two separate cohorts beginning on October 17th (Tuesday) and October 28th (Saturday), respectively.

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Jim Billington, Managing Director of Wealth Pilots, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast Discussing the Retirement FLIGHT Plan

Jim Billington discusses navigating the flight plan: a guide to retirement.  Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-jim-billington-managing-director-of-wealth-pilots-discussing-the-retirement-flight-plan/  The FLIGHT plan is an acronym for  Future, Lifetime Income, Growth, Hedging, and Taxes that Wealth Pilots incorporates into all their client’s retirement preservation planning process. Overall, retirement planning involves considering not only desired spending goals and required minimum distributions but also understanding how taxes and inflation affect your lifestyle. We want to have upside market growth potential to keep pace with inflation. However, in retirement, we shift…

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Tim Murray, Realtor and Coach with eXp Realty, Interviewed on the Elite Real Estate Leaders Podcast

Tim Murray discusses the role of a realtor and coach in Real Estate.  Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-tim-murray-realtor-and-coach-with-exp-realty/ Tim Murray emphasizes the significance of resilience in the real estate process. He highlights that hurdles and setbacks, such as changes in weather conditions during mountaineering or inspection issues in real estate, can arise. However, he stresses the need to acknowledge these problems and take a step back to recognize that despite the hiccups, the overall process is still moving forward. Tim Murray emphasizes the importance…

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Troy Thompson, Owner and Founder of Angel of Freedom Financial, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast

Troy Thompson discusses how proactive planning and the virtual family office give financial planning clients the best experience.   Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-troy-thompson-owner-and-founder-of-angel-of-freedom-financial/ For today’s family office, proactive planning is the cornerstone of financial success. Dealing with complex investments, taxes, and other operational demands can be a daunting task when ensuring that one’s assets are being managed properly. That’s where the Virtual Family Office (VFO) comes in. The VFO has revolutionized the way clients approach their finances by providing comprehensive, proactive planning services. The…

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Gary Scofield, Founder of Mansfield Financial Strategies, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast Discussing Life Insurance

Gary Scofield discusses the importance of life insurance for financial protection.  Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-gary-scofield-founder-mansfield-financial-strategies-discussing-life-insurance/ Long-term care policies offer a valuable feature known as accelerated death benefits. This feature allows policyholders to access the money they have paid in premiums before their death if they require long-term care or assisted living. However, if the policyholder does not end up needing these services, the money paid in premiums is essentially lost, similar to how automobile insurance or homeowner’s insurance works. It is important to…

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Ron Cook, Owner of Cook Tax & Retirement, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast Discussing How Taxes Impact Retirement

Ron Cook discusses the importance of tax planning in retirement.  Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-ron-cook-owner-of-cook-tax-retirement-discussing-how-taxes-impact-retirement/ Ron Cook highlights the importance of understanding and planning for taxes in retirement. He acknowledges that taxes are an inevitable part of life, just like death, and emphasizes their significant impact on retirement. Cook stresses the need for individuals to be aware of this impact and plan accordingly. Cook distinguishes between tax prepping, or getting tax returns done, and tax planning. He believes that tax planning is essential for…

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Shelby Crisman, Realtor with Denver Milehimodern, Interviewed on the Elite Real Estate Leaders Podcast Discussing Adding Value to A Home: Creative Renovations

Shelby Crisman discusses adding value to a home.  Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-shelby-crisman-realtor-with-denver-milehimodern/  Shelby Crisman has a unique background in both the Airbnb world and real estate, which has greatly influenced her approach as a realtor. Having previously worked in the Airbnb industry, she enjoyed the interaction with strangers seeking rental properties and the behind-the-scenes management with homeowners. This experience, combined with her own travels and stays in hotels and Airbnbs, has given her valuable insights into what people desire and seek in their…

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