NY Metro Vein Sweats Innovation: Introducing MiraDry for Permanent Sweat Reduction in New York

NY Metro Vein, a frontrunner in the vein and vascular treatment industry, has introduced MiraDry treatments in their New York location. MiraDry is an innovative, FDA-approved treatment that permanently reduces underarm sweating, odor, and hair. The procedure uses thermal energy to target and eliminate sweat and odor glands. NY Metro Vein is committed to providing high-quality, affordable treatments, and MiraDry is the latest addition to their suite of services.

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James Haass, Retirement Income Specialist, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast

James Haass discusses planning for retirement. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network:https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-james-haass-retirement-income-specialist/ Planning for taxes in retirement is a crucial aspect of financial planning. In this interview, James Haass emphasizes the need to carefully consider taxes when withdrawing money from retirement accounts. He acknowledges that taxes are beyond people’s control and that there is no guarantee that tax brackets will be lower in the future. Therefore, it is essential to strategically plan for taxes in retirement. James also highlights the importance of maximizing one’s tax bracket…

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Interview with Daniel Collison, Managing Partner at Advice2Advisors & Author of “Building Bigger & Better” Discussing Growth Plans of Top Financial Advisors

Dan Collison discusses how Advisors can build their own Confident Growth Plan  Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-w-daniel-collison-w-advice2advisors-author-of-building-bigger-better-discussing-confident-growth-plan/  Growth doesn’t happen by accident. In fact, when speaking to top-producing financial advisors, it becomes quickly apparent that they have every aspect of their business plan to a tee; client acquisition being among their top priorities. These elite advisors know where their next client is coming from because they’ve planned it in advance, just as they’ve planned that each new client will fit their ideal client profile.…

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Ashley Warren, Realtor with Infinity Pros, Interviewed on the Colorado Real Estate Leaders Podcast

Ashley Warren discusses navigating Real Estate decisions with confidence.  Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network:https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-ashley-warren-realtor-with-infinity-pros/ In this episode, Ashley Warren emphasizes the significance of strategizing and avoiding impulsive decisions when it comes to buying or selling a house. She highlights that making decisions in a state of panic or frenzy often leads to poor choices and overlooking important factors. Instead, she advocates for taking a step back, developing a well-thought-out strategy, and sticking to it even in challenging situations. When it comes to buying a house,…

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Two Feng Shui Experts Join Forces to Transform People’s Homes

Two Feng Shui experts have teamed up to offer a two-day VIP experience designed to transform people’s homes. Suzanne Roynon is the UK’s leading interiors therapist, helping people declutter and rearrange their homes to create a happier, healthier, and wealthier lifestyle. And Australian Feng Shui and Manifesting expert Suzanne Butler works with business professionals and solopreneurs to help them reach their goals. The two women will be joining forces during the month of September to offer a special VIP intensive two-day program in the UK. Those who sign up for…

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