Utah-based equipment finance company is on a mission to help one thousand businesses before year-end.

Monday, October 3rd marked the launch of Direct Credit Funding’s Build Up Utah Business campaign. The plan is the brainchild of equipment financier Mr. Jason Ames. Mr. Ames and his team are on a mission to help one thousand business owners buy the necessary equipment that will help to grow their businesses and take advantage of current tax savings programs offered by the Internal Revenue Service.

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Berj Arakelian, Area Sales Manager with CMG Home Loans, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast

Berj Arakelian discusses the difference between being pre-qualified vs. pre-approved for a mortgage. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network:  https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-berj-arakelian-area-sales-manager-with-cmg-home-loans/ Berj explained: “When you’re ready to buy a home, the first step is to figure out how much house you can afford. This involves looking at your income, debts, and credit score to get an idea of what kind of mortgage you’ll be able to qualify for. Once you know this, you can start shopping for homes within your budget. One important thing to understand is…

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Nick Jimerson, Personal Mortgage Advisor with Nations Lending, Interviewed on the Colorado Real Estate Leaders Podcast

Nick Jimerson discusses how to avoid mortgage application problems. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network:  https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-nick-jimerson-personal-mortgage-advisor-with-nations-lending/ The path to homeownership isn’t always easy, but by not being careful, the chances of becoming a homeowner could be ruined. Here are five things that could get in the way of owning a house: Job-hopping. A steady job, preferably at the same company, shows stability and—most importantly—a consistent paycheck that will allow someone to pay their mortgage. Even if someone doesn’t go long without a job, hopping from job…

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Colorado Real Estate Leaders Podcast, Reaches 25 episodes

Colorado Real Estate Leaders’ Podcast, launched in Spring 2022, reaches 25 episodes. The podcast offers the career journeys, insight, and advice of real estate and mortgage lending experts. The Colorado industry leaders, from mortgage bank branch managers to real estate moguls, divulge the details of everything from their career origins to success stories to opinions on the market. The stories are great listening for an industry patron or even someone interested in joining the field and learning more. Trailstone Insurance Group produces the podcast to bring the real estate community…

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