Bryan Daly Founder of New Life Financial Alliance and Fee-Based Fiduciary Financial Planner Interviewed on Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast About Social Security Claiming Options

Bryan Daly discusses his approach to helping his clients create a savings plan that makes sense for a successful future. Social Security is a necessary part of a comprehensive retirement income strategy; there are important considerations before claiming early. Working with a financial professional is crucial in coordinating three types of benefits. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network Daly explained that ” I am so excited to bring this education to help people understand one of the most vital resources in retirement: their Social Security.…

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Andy McDowell Life, Leadership, Small Business Coach & Founder of Generate Your Value Interviewed on Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast

During the interview, Andy discusses the extraordinary value proposition he provides clients. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network   McDowell says, “It can be frustrating when we are constantly bumping up against things we can’t seem to move past. Entrepreneurs can easily list these recurring challenges (not earning enough, working too much, not enjoying the journey) because they tend to be constant and . . . Predictable. My Mission is to serve as a powerful catalyst for entrepreneurs to experience Extraordinary Success in Business and…

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Bipolar Barbie is Releasing Her First Book called Drowning in the Seas of Mental Illness

Drowning in the Seas of Mental Illness is part 1 of a 6 part series called The Bipolar Barbie Diaries. Jessica Portsmouth, better known as Bipolar Barbie tells her story to inspire others to never give up reaching out for help. She is a young Australian Mental Health Advocate and the book is now available on Amazon.  The book illustrates the struggle of living with chronic mental illness and navigating the waters of a severely inadequate mental health care system. She explains the day by day journey of someone experiencing…

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Interview with Shannon Riley Insurance Agent with Trailstone Insurance Group, Interviewed on Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast About Serving Mortgage Lenders

Shannon Riley discusses her approach to bringing her customers options for their insurance. Serving Colorado mortgage lenders is how Shannon delivers more value to her clients. Providing local personal expertise in guiding her clients to make the best decisions when setting up their homeowners insurance is a strong focus in her business. Shannon commented that “Buying a home is an exciting time, but there are so many things that can be confusing; I do not want choosing the best homeowners insurance to be one of them! I pride myself in…

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“Living the Dream with Curveball” Podcast Hosts CPR Expert Mark Wilhelmsson to Discuss Child Safety, Parent Responsibility, and His New Book “Emergency”

“Living the Dream with Curveball” focuses on ordinary people telling extraordinary stories about how they contribute to the world to try and make life better for others. Interviewee Mark Wilhelmsson has written a new book that addresses a global epidemic of 1,000,000 early childhood deaths attributable to preventable accidental injuries and provides new parents extensive foundational safety training.

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