Anwar R. Sadeek, Entrepreneur and Marriage Coach, Interviewed About His New Book Release: “Married Indefinitely: How to Find Success With the ONE”

His groundbreaking book includes the solution for all those frustrated by life and having trouble finding the “one” or finding success in marriage. Perhaps there are those whose marriage has been a significant part of their suffering. This book is for them. Understand this book is not about fantasy. This is a realization of how relationships and marriages work today and an appreciation of the best way to maximize all the good that comes with it. Once this truth is understood, lives and marriages will be filled with flourishing and…

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Empowering People to Change Their Lives Made Silja Thor a Bestseller

Few people understand the positive power of reinvention better than entrepreneur and mentor Silja Thor. Having battled through financial ruin during the crash of 2008, all while extricating herself from an abusive ex, the stress she faced sent her to rock bottom. But, if there’s one thing that experience taught her, it’s that necessary reinvention often doesn’t come about until it’s forced out of you. In the end, her circumstances led her towards amazing clarity and a quest for self-fulfilment. She has since shared the details in a powerful new…

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Prominence Publishing’s New Book, “Managing Your Business Risk in the Cybersecurity Minefield” Hits Amazon Best Seller List

Prominence Publishing’s recent release, Managing Your Business Risk in the Cybersecurity Minefield, was named a Best Seller on Amazon in the Online Safety & Piracy and Viruses & Malware categories. It was also named a Hot New Release in multiple categories on Amazon.

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