Mark Triplett and Troy Westendorf, Announce New Podcast on The Business Innovators Radio Network called “The 15 Minute Financial Feast Podcast.”

About their podcast, Mark and Troy explain, “this podcast focuses on 15 Minute Segments to help teach you how to retire with purpose, on time. We believe that an enjoyable and lasting retirement is dependent on securing sustainable income. It is a shame to see someone work their entire life only to end up worried and anxious in retirement because they did not plan to replace their paycheck with income they cannot outlive. Your desired lifestyle is reliant on your ability to maximize your guaranteed income sources such as: Social…

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JUANITA B. JOHNSON: ‘The Audacity Code’ is No. 1 Amazon Best Seller in Eight Categories including African American History

Juanita B. Johnson is the Sankofa griot of our time. Her attraction to the concept of positive audacity began in childhood as she listened to fascinating dinner-table stories which featured the achievements of African-American luminaries, change agents, and historical personalities. Those stories continue to serve as her North Star of fearlessness.

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The Promise

Many assisted living residences (ALR) provide good and safe care to elders. Most directors of admissions are honest and caring. However, a substantial portion of ALR provide poor and dangerous care and use deceptive marketing practices. This poem is based on the devastating experiences of hundreds of families whose loved ones were neglected, abused, and financially exploited in ALR in Minnesota.

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Tavia Morse, Founder of Sweet Life Coaching, Announces New Podcast on The Business Innovators Radio Network called “The Sweet Life Coaching Podcast.”

About her podcast, Tavia explains, “this podcast focuses on connecting real people with expert advice to achieve a healthier lifestyle and live a more fulfilling and abundant life.”   Video Link:     Tavia continued, “I was inspired to start this journey after struggling many years of chronic pain, women issues, migraines, and overall immune system dysfunction. I ultimately got a Lyme Disease diagnosis a few years back, which has taken me to a new appreciation of life. As your health coach, I try to find out the real…

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