Mi registro de medicamentos
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Month: July 2020
18 pasos para un hogar libre de caídas
Algunos cambios sencillos y rápidos ayudarán fácilmente a reducir el riesgo de caídas. Revise los siguientes pasos para comenzar hoy.
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10 preguntas para entender mejor su medicación y el riesgo de caídas
Hemos preparado una lista de diez preguntas para que su médico o farmacéutico tome un papel activo en el control de su medicación y el riesgo de caídas.
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6 pasos para proteger de una caída a su ser querido adulto mayor
Estos son 6 pasos sencillos que puede seguir para ayudar a su ser querido a reducir el riesgo de una caída.
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Destruir los mitos sobre las caídas de los adultos mayores
Muchas personas piensan que las caídas son una parte normal del envejecimiento. La verdad es que no lo son.
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Giulio Zecca Founder at innovAchievers Creates Mastermind for Elite Entrepreneurs
800 million jobs will be disrupted by Artificial Intelligence within 9 years…
The first companies where people perform work in a way that machines cannot do will have a huge competitive advantage over the competition in terms of productivity and fulfillment.
Why Swimming Might Be the Best Form of Exercise You Can Do
Four health benefits that make swimming something you should be doing to get in shape or stay fit
The post Why Swimming Might Be the Best Form of Exercise You Can Do appeared first on Healthy Aging ®.
Lincolnshire Plumbing Veteran, David Ariano, Shares Tips On The Importance Of A Whole House Plumbing Inspection
Chicagoland homeowners can avoid costly and untimely plumbing problems by taking a few preventative measures with a whole house plumbing inspection.
Read MoreKlēn Announces New Technology Platform Helping Businesses Communicate COVID-19 Cleaning Compliance To Consumers
Klēn provides businesses with a single dashboard that gives CDC, State and Local guidelines that apply to their business and a simple way to communicate compliance efforts to consumers with a few clicks.
Read MoreDean Coulson BSc, Martial Artist, Develops “Master the Warrior Within” A New Program for CEO’s and Senior Executives
Dean Coulson, created Master The Warrior Within to help men learn how to remove fears and express who they really are and give them the tools and resources to thrive in all areas of their life.
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