Founder of Prepared Fathers Offers 2-Week Online Finance Course for Teens Home During Coronavirus School Closures

While kids are home in isolation due to the virus outbreak, Jay Gabrani of Prepared Fathers sees an opportunity to encourage teens to use this time wisely. He is offering a special online financial education program via Zoom to teach teens about personal finance and investing during the self-isolation break from school. Beginning Thursday, March 19th @ 2pm EST teens can learn about money and finance instead of just sitting at home. To join the course visit:

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Talk the Walk on Aging

If only, when people hear Joe South sing “Walk a mile in my shoes,” his poetic and encouraging metaphor for empathy would meaningfully move all who “abuse, criticize and accuse.” And, if only, older adults were among the intended beneficiaries of such understanding and support.The post Talk the Walk on Aging appeared first on ChangingAging.

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El NCOA aplaude la renovación de la Ley de Estadounidenses Mayores

El Consejo Nacional para Adultos Mayores (NCOA, por sus siglas en inglés) aplaude al Congreso por la renovación, en gran medida bipartidista, de la Ley de Estadounidenses Mayores (OAA, por sus siglas en inglés), que permite modernizar la legislación para abordar las necesidades cambiantes de millones de adultos mayores, lo cual incluye el reciente brote de coronavirus. El Senado aprobó el proyecto de ley el 3 de marzo y la Cámara lo aprobó ayer.
The post El NCOA aplaude la renovación de la Ley de Estadounidenses Mayores appeared first on NCOA.

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Internationally Renowned Speaker, Business Coach, and Author Dr. Shirlene Reeves’ Award-winning Book, Selling Through Your Heart, to Be Relaunched on March 19, 2020

Selling Through Your Heart: Empowering You to Build Relationships for Financial Freedom, is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide designed exclusively for businesspeople, salespersons, and entrepreneurs. The book is due to relaunch on March 19th, 2020.

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